I Don't Have a Lot of Money But I Love to Travel - How Can I Travel For Cheap?

I've always loved to travel but have never really been able to do a lot of it until I started doing some research on ways to save money while on a vacation, or basically how to travel for cheap. Now, that does not mean I am a cheap or frugal person - far from it. I love buying the best of things but sometimes it's just not necessary when traveling. You can often find really great deals and also find ways to save money and it won't cause you to have less fun on your trip. In fact you can have a lot more fun because you'll be saving money on your travels so you'll have more money for shopping and souvenirs (my favorite part).

Let's face it, the flight itself can be a drain on your bank account. If you really want to travel for cheap you need to start with trying to find the lowest airfare possible. That means you need to spend some time before your trip scouring the online travel sites looking for those great deals. Don't wait till the last minute because you'll probably pay a lot more for your tickets. Try to start searching a month or two in advance.

If you are going to be visiting any theme parks, consider eating your main meals away from the parks and you'll save a bunch of money. The food inside the parks is much more expensive.

See if the hotel you are going to stay at offers any discounts. I once went to Cedar Point and found they had a special going on, and I ended up paying a lot less for my room PLUS I received a bunch of discount tickets.

Check with a travel agent to see if you can combine flight, hotel, and rental car, and even park tickets and get a better deal.

Hotels in Orlando

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