Cheap Travel Tips - For Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Whether for business or pleasure, spend most of us is a part of our life on the road, sometimes over very long distances. Therefore, the desire to find the best trips available natural. Apart from trawling online for the best comparison sites offer, there are many other suggestions for easy to minimize travel costs, if, as Steve Martin and John Candy in this great movie, you will go from a plane to monitor the trains and cars!


The best advice for a reservation for a train trip is to book early. Some great deals can be booked prior to departure, if it is possible to do this should be sought. You may even be able to book a first class ticket for less than a standard class ticket booking in advance.

Secondly, you should avoid travel by train during rush hour. Tickets for these times (usually during the period in which people > To and from work) trips are usually much more expensive than peak trains.

Third, check online booking sites to see if the train is cheaper to book train tickets in segments, rather than simply pay for half the ticket to your destination. Booking a ticket from station A to station A and then B to C is often cheaper to book a ticket from station A to C. It 'worth it.


Of course, there are many travel comparison sites offering cheap airline travel. Similarly, there are many low-cost airlines now in operation. It is worthwhile spending a little time, however, to check just what your flight includes. If you consider the following matters, you may well be able to save money.

Baggage - what is the baggage allowance for your flight? Is it free? If not, how much will it cost for to take checked luggage and cabin luggage? What are the penalties for exceeding your allowance?

On board facilities - do you receive complimentary refreshments? If not, what is the cost of food and beverages? Do you receive free headphones for your entertainment system? If not, ascertain the cost and, if you have any available from previous flights, take your own.

Tickets - is there a supplement charged fro buying your ticket with a credit card or debit card? Do you have to pay for online check-in and/or airport check-in? If so, how much?

Transfers - how far is the airport from your final destination? What are the likely transfer costs? Are there any flights that go to more proximate airports?

Automobile Travel

The most expensive component of automobile travel cost is fuel. Therefore, before you embark on your journey, fill up at the cheapest filling station in your locality. At the same time, fill up a petrol. This will serve you well on your journey if you need to top up your fuel because you have not been able to find a reasonable priced filling station. Of course, it will also drastically cut your recovery costs in the event that you are unfortunate enough to run out of fuel.

Secondly, if embarking on a lengthy journey, it may ultimately save you substantial cost if you join a motor recovery scheme. The cover will normally last you a year and will save a significant amount should you have a breakdown on your travels.

Thirdly, check your tyre pressure before departure. Not only will this make your journey safer but proper tyre pressure also reduces fuel consumption.

Finally, use the air conditioning wisely. Air conditioning use has a draining effect on your fuel reserves.


Whilst the cost of travel is a necessary evil, if we want to go on vacation or are obliged to attend an important business meeting, it is hoped that by following these tips you will be able to access the cheapest travel - by trains, planes and automobiles!

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