5 Ways to Secure Low Cheap Airfare

For low cheap airfare please fasten your seat belt

The best time to book your cheap airfare online

Never, ever, book your flight over the weekend , neither book on a Monday or a Friday as these are the most expensive days to book. The best day and time to book is on a Wednesday after 10.00pm but before 10.00am on Thursday (preferably before 8.00am if you can make the effort to get out of your bed - it's sure worth your time). The aforementioned tip is due to the way airlines adjust their flight prices.

Generally speaking they will raise them on a Friday, leave them riding high all weekend and if sales are slow they will lower them on Monday morning. Lowering them further on Wednesday evening until Thursday afternoon when they will start to raise them once again, peaking on Friday through Monday.

One final point: If you are considering flying during the next month, make sure you book just after the 7th of the month as airlines readjust their inventory around this time.

Best days to fly

Well, frankly, if you like me, enjoy travel, any day is a good day to fly. However, in the best interests of securing low cheap airfare don't even think about travelling on a Monday, or a Friday . The best days to book your flight (actual flying time) is either on a Wednesday or Thursday, Tuesday is OK too.

Obliterate your cookies

Yes, the chocolate chip kind too (yum-yum), but in this case I mean the little cookie spies on your computer, the cookie monsters which hold your preferences, search history , ID's etc. This is particularly relevant when your searching for cheap airfares on the same site, over and over again, even on different days. If your cookies are not cleared when you return to the site, you will be identified and all your previous searches are know etc. I am not espousing any conspiracy theories here, but you get my drift - don't you?

Newsletter sign-up

Visit airline websites (not agents) and sign up for their newsletter or frequent flyer programs. Once on the list you will occasionally get offers and discounts emailed to you. Don't underestimate the power of this strategy as like everyone else, airline marketing departments have sales targets to meet and will often keep red hot promotion codes to themselves to mail to their list.

Get alerts from airfare comparison sites and Google alert

Sign-up for cheap fare alerts with airline comparison sites. An important point here is to state your parameters and preferences as you don't want to be getting alerts which are not relevant to your flying plans. It's also worth using the Google alert service. Be specific with your keywords though . For instance, if you set an alert for low cheap airfare you will be bombarded with alerts which may not be relevant to you. So go for something like: fly to the Caribbean for 300 dollars. Don't forget to send me a postcard!

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