Deep Discount Airfare - 5 Ways to Get a Great Deal Every Time You Fly

In this short guide, I'd like to share with you my top five strategies to help you get a deep discount airfare for your next trip. These are all strategies that i use personally on a weekly basis. If followed, I guarantee that you will save money on your flights.

1. Comparison Sites

These are a really good resource that will save you money and time. Simply input your requirements, that is the date of travel, departure airport and your destination. Within just a few seconds, you will have various flight and price options on your screen. I strongly advise that you check at least three of these sites though as prices do vary, sometimes quite dramatically!

2 Night Flights

Though most people would prefer not to fly during sleeping hours, there are often massive savings to be made here. If you compare the price of day time flights to their night flight equivalent then you will see exactly what i mean.

3 Travel Agents

A much under used resource these days, and if you are looking for a great deal, then overlook these people at your peril! Since the advent of the internet people always assume they can get a better flight deal on the web rather than an agent, and they are usually right, but not always! Deep discount airfare is not exclusive to the world wide web. Occasionally travel agents get some really 'hard to beat' deals from various airlines, so it is always worth the price of a call to check before you book elsewhere.

4 Single Tickets

Most people assume that a return fare is cheaper than two single fares. This is not always the case, you should always compare the prices before you book. Once again there is big money to be saved here.

5 Inside Information

Do you know an airline employee? If you do then you can forget the first four tips and talk to them instead! What they don't know about getting the best deal probably isn't worth knowing. Just knowing what to say when booking, when to say it and even what time you call has a massive impact on the price you pay. If you want a deep discount airfare then you really can do no better than to speak to these guys.

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