A Private Jet May Cost You Less Than You Think

How much does a private jet cost? A Private jet costs less than you may think.

Now, we know that you all may have heard the stories about the supposedly sky high prices and ridiculous costs of buying a private jet. We think that may be due resulting partly from the fact that for most people, the prices of private jet costs are simply in a range in which they are not accustomed to thinking about expenses.

For example, how could you or anybody you know begin to fathom what a private jet costs if they were comfortable only with considering prices in the low thousands of dollars, which is what they may have purchased a car for? A private jet costs much, much more than a car but at the same time, how do you put a price on something like a private jet which in a sense really is priceless to most executive CEO business types?

Private jet costs begin under a million and climb into the hundreds of millions of dollars. But don't let that fool you! You or your company can buy a private jet at a fraction of the purchase price of a whole brand new Boeing or Bombardier private jet with the help of what is known as the fractional jet ownership or private jet charter program.

We hope that this discussion on private jet costs has enlightened and inspired those of you in the audience who will never be able to "settle for less than the best" in life not only when it comes to the aspects of where and how to buy a private jet but additionally, how to condition yourself to achieve financial independence which is really the primary step on the road to buy a private jet.

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