As a good trip - Worst Airline travel experiences

Do not know about you, but I would like a world traveler and learn to travel at low cost. However, I would not be a good time at reasonable prices. Here are some examples of very bad travel experiences from customers of various airlines.

How about airline delays? A customer had 2 of 3 flights delayed for over an hour by an airline. One was a 3-hour delay, and let them connect to lose at the end flght3 hours late. The next flight was not for 24 hours so they were stuck.

Then came a fly from Boston to Philadelphia to take a connecting flight. The carrier could not get the baggage handlers to load their planes, were hours late and could not get a connecting flight to Italy for 2 days. Furthermore, they had small children with them and ended with a $ 95 cab ride to the home of a member of the local family to take. Luckily they had relatives inCity! Yes, they can step up, how to travel have taken cheap, but this is easily worth it?

Another gentleman was on the plane on time, but once the plane is loaded, all passengers were asked to go back. That was not the winter in South Dakota, and apparently one of the engines start. The announcement was simply that the plan does not like it cold! This is not something you want in an area so cold to listen to. This particular customerhad then to another airport, where he lived yet another long wait to travel because of the cold. He could finally take off to their destinations (Florida, thank God!).

Coincidentally, these methods all passengers to travel cheaply, when they purchased their business cards. I would not say that the best rates relief flight because of their problems, but still provide some comedy.

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