Travel airline in 2010 - National and international documentation

Air travel used to that breeze in the U.S., but everything changed on 9 / 11 Since then, airports have had a mess to get clogged as passengers on the aircraft, while ensuring the security personnel to ensure that no one is dangerous to try try as well. The documentation requirements in 2010 are described here.

Travel as a national airline is something that seems to have less attention of international travel. While generally true, it is also true thatall flights on 9 / 11 were at home. Consequently, the requirements for travel documents to start here. If you are flying the national level, will be required to include your name, date of birth and sex, if you buy your ticket. Now be careful. The name on the ticket must be exactly the same as the government document that you will make the flight with you.

For many people, this document will be the license. If you read a Java Thomas Allen, asIn my case, I have to buy a ticket with my full name. I just put up a Java Tom, I'm in a very bad weather. Why? They did not let me board my flight! Why such a technical interpretation? Now the authorities to review all names on a purchase with a list of questionable people, should not be allowed on planes. The real list of "No Fly", you hear so much in the media.

Who travel internationally? Well, the procedure is bothsimple and complex at the same time. To simplify things, you just replace a passport, driver's license in the example above. If you do not have one, get one as soon as possible. If you do not have time, please contact the Department of Homeland Security to find out if there are exceptions to use to make your trip can be completed.

Air transport is not the wind it once was, but this is understandable. To avoid problems, make sure you know whatrequired before starting.

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