Three options, excellent low-cost travel in Europe

There are many ways to travel cheap across Europe, from flights to accommodation cheaper, too. After Europe for a minimum of once or twice a year for the last 6 years I have seen a tendency for the cheapest travel options:

1) Flights: low cost carrier websites such as, and you can fly to Europe for as little as € 9 (about $ 15) for each order line. Try and planfor a Monday or Tuesday to take the flight, the cheapest rates. Theses sources are reliable and fast you reach your goal. Many of these flights departing from airports a smaller scale, arrival at the airport and only require one hour before departure.

2) Accommodation: It depends on your personal taste, but since we are talking cheap, look for a hostel. Many hostels are very comfortable, clean and looks like a hotel or bed and breakfast. On the other hand Hand, hostels, some very cheap, and represent "the" get what you pay for Modo. Use the book as a site or rooms from $ 10 and reviewed simultaneously.

3) Traffic: I would just say that during the journey by car through Europe can be a great opportunity to be seen the beautiful landscape, but can also be expensive as hell to start. toll in some countries, it can cost up to $ 75 for a minimum of 6 hoursTravel> time. Not to mention the cost of gasoline per gallon, almost tripled in comparison with the United States by train you can see the landscape better and save some money. Places like can help you plan your trip.

These are some opportunities to travel flights to Europe, you can use the time to plan your next trip. They are still in use and all 3 of these techniques, because I can see in some countries in the sameHoliday. I also have to allow more souvenirs and bottles of wine to bring!

Cheers for another adventure



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