How Cheap flights are available

Air travel was very expensive before 1970. In fact, air travel was a luxury and convenience of a high price could only be granted for. But the introduction of the liberalization of air transport industry and changed the cheapest flights possible.

Before deregulation of air travel costs of flight routes and the number of airlines were regulated and limited. Very little competition, like all airlines had the same opportunityTicket prices. But deregulation has changed everything.


cheap flights are possible because the liberalization of air transport has been the possibility of lower prices and compete against other airlines for customers. As a result of deregulation, a number of new airlines, travel costs are low skilled.

The new airlines to reduce prices, but does not reduce safety. An airline that he was not sure he could not maintain a customer base.So to be successful, the new airline had to reduce prices on specialized safely and efficiently.

How to obtain the lowest price and quality

As the airline could lower prices and maintain a high quality of safety and efficiency? Some airlines have failed to answer the question because of lower costs in many areas, while maintaining quality.

The cost of a meal

One area that airlines have reduced meals in flight. Instead of offering free mealsThe airlines offer snacks and sandwiches, which are paid to passengers. Many passengers prefer to save money by not eating.

In essence, airlines are offering discounted tickets to eliminate the luxury that passengers can not afford. Alcoholic beverages are another comfort that eliminate some airlines to save costs.

By reducing the cost of food, the airline has reduced the overall cost of operation. In addition to the cost of feeding a customer has many other airlineThe costs and, consequently, airlines have many other opportunities for cost savings.

Fuel costs

The airline, the customer pays less fuel than other airlines cut prices and can also afford to offer low cost flights. The airline can take advantage of lower fuel costs by purchasing fuel when prices are low and "block" in the lower price.

If the airline is smart enough to recognize that an increase in fuel prices is imminent, the airline canOrder to pay for fuel at the current price. If the increases in fuel prices in the future the company will continue to benefit from paying the lowest fixed price.

low-budget airlines to operate for a way to get cheap and affordable in a variety of. But there is some advantage for the airlines to reduce costs? Higher prices mean higher profits.

lower price is equivalent to more customers

The situation faced by the airlines is that empty seats means less profit. Airlinesprices are lower, in order to attract customers, the option may not be viable otherwise regarded as air travel.

Air carriers must remain in competition with other airlines and other transport such as buses and trains, which are slower but more economical means of transport.

Many customers who have to travel for the cost of the ticket priority. To win these customers, the airlines have been forced to cut costs. The airlines, thecan not attract customers from the business can be done.

The supply of cheap flights for customers has become a necessity because the airline can not attract customers and compete with lower ticket prices will be the risk of losing customers to the business and, ultimately, their entire .


Ultimately, a business or company can be successful only if customers the product or service being sold purchase. In the aviation sector, the current market situationis based on the provision of efficient and reliable services at an affordable price.

A successful company must satisfy customers. Currently, airlines with cheap flights offer customer satisfaction.

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