Against the spiral mobile productivity

Have you ever wondered where all the electronic gadgets of loop and flight to flight doorstep is really around you anywhere? After forgetting a highly proprietary cards, some other games to play, you always need to stop and think "Ah, the good old days of fixed-line, paper and pen?"

It must be acknowledged in order - you can. Of all the signs of today's electronic "modern times", sometimes secretly aspire to be more than happy to, simpler times. A time"Backup has to be understood" with a sheet of paper and pen. "The redundant systems have been" hard copies of documents. Remember the time ...

In previous articles and podcasts, I discussed the topic "Do you really need a PDA?" During a major corporate reorganization was only a few months ago I asked the same question - over and over - every day. People get used to this question in different ways for different reasons. For some it is infinitely more complex things like "Smart Phones"and multi-multi-function devices. For others it is the infinite hole Cost "of voice and data plans specific, connection costs, lost connections and call endless screens, fry when you need it.

For me, the moment came when I wore a password for a card of the three PDA type I Yes, I was (and still am, mostly), a gadget junky. Wherever I go, taking a big bag of custom cables and adapters with me. But I was that my "confidencesystems should no longer be trusted, and I could not remember which device the program, where the system is to have my date. ... calendar ... Contact by email / messaging-to-C. .. ... ... Notes etc. "Damn!" I said. "Where is the beep ... Adapter ?????"

As I sat there my laments the lack of reliable systems based gadget, I heard something dusty memory (the human race ...) of an old boss. A chief from another area and another time. He had aSystem - to work more in fact - that seemed straight. What I remember most, though, was his endless pile of small yellow legal pads. Every day he wrote to his daily work on two or three sheets of the pad, the length of its functions and vibration to "do" and only to the next page, if the previous page, was made. When the notebook was full, it would only point to a group made and files. "Basically," Backup ", what he did. I remember the famous detective" Columbus "something like that (with the emphasis much smaller!)

Dan (the former head debating) - was the man I thought. Had together! He did not know struggle every day with a PDA, cables, broken screens, software updates, lost license files and the like. His instruments were a lot of pins and blocks. Spent less of these instruments in his five years with the company, I would be smart on a single moderate price, "" device to spend. Baked with his house, white and analog cardslittle yellow note pads, succeeded him staggering number of employees, and many customers and all the data without end. With the memories buried in front, I did the right thing and went to digital web for some research. Finding others in the network long ago reached the same conclusions and further inspired by books like "Getting Things Done" and "Upgrade Your Life", I could see that there is hope and a way for a productive life analog. Putting it all together, I came with aSystem that has served me well now for three months. Yes - work very, very well, thank you very much. Curious?

Before continuing, let me say a few things. First - no - I'm not bashing gadgets. I discussed how many of them on my websites and podcasts. If personal data are necessary and useful gadgets, I share my thoughts on them. But - and here is the main point - many devices have the following characteristics:
Very short life
Slightly Damaged
Very expensive, with special SMS-based services such as text, "to use" the Internet and various phone services
Short battery life
various incompatible with their software, much less clean integration with external software packages
Owner adapter (even "trickle charger, or USB device with" trickle too much and too long for my taste)
Have a habit, not available when you need it (screen applications, trailers, hard resets,Questions, etc.) Ok - that is, here is a general description of my current analog system. This is a work in progress, but it works very well for me. I encourage that a variant of the work for you and try to find it.

Similar system of management activities - the nuts and bolts

Equipment you will need:
pins comfortable - everything you like to write
A package of films at low cost thin spiral notebook - with the way in which the economic future of metal spiral by spiralPages Tip: You can collect all the packages of these for less than $ 5.00USD office markets
A life, and some activities will work on analog manageHow:
On the outside of the binder (wrapper) Sets the first name and the date of commencement years +.
Make a mark next to the date and year, allowing you to pursue a full range of data. I think that my policy to hold between 20 and 40 days, depending on the needs of the quantity of notes for each day.
On top of each page to writethroughout the day and date (from the current date)
Start a list of your tasks, use one per line (multiple lines if necessary) / li>
Maintain a complete line blank between the tasks
To the left of each task, instead of a square to serve as a check box Note: At this stage it is not things in the list of priorities 1 and 3 in order of priority and other mechanisms Such complexes. The point is just get the tasks on paper
Continue sorting. The activities are very, very important(You should have no more than 5 of them on a daily basis), received two stars or asterisks on the left side of the windows work. Tasks that are "too, but do not kill me if you are missing one or two days" may be a circle or a triangle instead of a checkbox. During the selection, not to rewrite or reorganize. Just follow the asterisk. Simplicity is beauty and reason by analogy is ....
Give your day, write down your tasks, then two full pages of the day and activities that you just wrote, andThe next appointment. The complete white pages used to store notes during the day. The notes you write and collect during the day is used as input for future daily tasks. "Corbin OK - Well, what do I do with my computer and digital devices based do?"

Good question! Our three main limitations of the system by:
The analogue system will not help you, things that are the length of road in the future, or more than a few days away
The analog system is not recurring activities to manage. One could (andmany cases) will write a similar function for several days
The analog system, says nothing about the details and contact-based InformationJoin we address these limitations. I (personally) is mentioned, use the following tools to manage the restrictions mentioned above. (Results may vary.) My e-mail program for Mac tracks tasks and messages to remember the "need me. My Google Calendar to manage things like client appointments, birthdays and the like. My Mac Address Book, LinkedIn . com and other miscellaneous servicesI use Keep track of my contacts. People I really need to call and talk to you, everyone in my phone. The people I meet, I need to talk later in my phone contact list, go immediately when they met and / or get their business card.

can Sidebar: Mobile phones (as in normal old phone that only makes and receives phone calls) is a digital device, be fairly reliable. Moreover, the transfer of good contacts between updates of phone, soNot much to lose when switching phones. You can build your base in the phone book updates and survive termination of telephone, because the information in the cellular services provider server are stored.

What to do with digital calendar? To print my daily calendar and staple to the inside of my wallet. When the day is over so my voice calendar. If my day is a business involving critical if not out of business, do not eat "type of meeting, the meeting detailswill be kept at least two positions in each case (and also in the minds and systems of the members of my team), then I would not worry too much about it. As you can see from the top, is a mix of analog and digital system. However, the party system to me at the beginning of things, and keeps the heart of daily productivity at all similar. Digital is crucial, but also complementary. Between my phone (contacts), Google Calendar (dates and recurring events-type) and my task analoguemanagement system, are protected.

When my current spiral notebook is full, I put at the end / closing date of the first page and drop it. Spirals remain on file in my office for six months, then go into deep storage. What has this to do with the mobile businessman or consultant to do? Portability! No battery! No wires! No wires! Travel in style and comfort with pen and paper. Surprise your friends and colleagues with your new low-tech analogTechnology.

Make a conversion to analog out with my computer? A big issue, but obviously the answer is - absolutely not! The point here is to outsource the management of productivity and personal activities, while improving efficiency


In this article a bit 'tongue-in-cheek, I just one of many variations of asset management and personal "Getting Things Done presented. As with any system, choose one option is right for you, but always testTuning and modifying the system to meet your personal situation and needs. Especially if you have an analog system, digital system or a combination of both, to be sure it is reliable and flexible enough to meet the challenges of busy life 24x7x365 days a year mobile business.

Happy organizing!


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